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The Solaris Toilet (ST) is a reinvented toilet that uses no water to flush, has only one moving part, and does not require a sewer line connection or a septic tank and drain field.
The ST uses a very smooth faced piston to quickly push the contents of the waste pipe into a sealed waste tank where it is stored.
The ST uses a very smooth faced piston to quickly push the contents of the waste pipe into a sealed waste tank where it is stored. Lubrication is provided by urine, not clean drinking water, although no urine is needed for the equivalent of a clean “flush.”
The ST has only one moving part, the piston, and it uses an average of just 3-5 kWh of electricity per month, depending on the number of residents in the home
A Solaris Toilet is most easily installed in a new, small home that has a single toilet. The toilet would then be designed to be located on an outer wall where it has easy access to the external waste tank.
It is possible to replace an existing toilet with an ST if the existing toilet is either located on an outer wall or the bathroom can be renovated to place the toilet on the outer wall.
Due to the Solaris Toilet's unique capability of requiring no water connection and utilizing a 12 volt solar-charged battery to operate, the ST makes a great solution for off grid, remote, and rigid locations.
Not one drop of clean drinking water is used when flushing the Solaris Toilet. The ST requires no septic tank, sewer connection, or drain field. The Solaris Toilet can be powered by a 12 volt battery (solar-charged or using house power) or a conventional electrical grid.
The ST is much quieter than a water flush toilet and it creates no water spray. The costs associated with purchasing and maintaining a Solaris toilet over a 10 year basis is significantly lower than when using a conventional household toilet.
A foot pedal is used to “flush” because it is far more sanitary than having multiple people touching the same flush handle on a conventional toilet – before they wash their hands.
The odor level of the ST is no different from a conventional toilet. This is due to the unique design of the ST's exhaust pipe and fan that creates a negative air flow to remove odors from the toilet and from the waste tank and expel them outdoors.
The Solaris Toilet's waste tank is emptied by a local septic tank cleaning truck that uses a vacuum hose to remove the waste.
How often the waste tank needs to be emptied varies based on how many people are living in the home and how often they are home. Based on average use, a Solaris Toilet's waste tank will need to be emptied once a year for a family of four.
The ST is cleaned the same way a conventional toilet is cleaned, by using a spray soap and a toilet brush. This easily removes any left over waste or build up. After cleaning the ST, simply step on the foot pedal to "flush" the cleaning solution and debris into the waste tank.
The Solaris Toilet has a much wider and deeper opening at the bottom than a flush toilet, so the sides rarely get waste on them. This makes the cleaning task much easier.
Controller = 5W
Tank Exhaust Fan= 7W @ 24/7
Toilet Flush = 120W @ 1/2 minute per flush
Average Cost of the Solaris Toilet: Toilet, Waste Tank, Installation = $5,000
Average Cost of traditional toilet with septic tank: Toilet, Installation, Septic Tank/Drain Field = $11,250
Average Cost of traditional toilet with sewer connection: Toilet, Installation, Sewer Connection = $13,250
The odor from a Solaris Toilet system is the same as it is with a water flush toilet for the simple reason that human waste odor permeates the air in the bathroom before the waste enters the water in the toilet. That odor tends to linger after any toilet is flushed.
With the Solaris Toilet, the waste material is rapidly pushed into a sealed tank as soon as the foot pedal is pressed which is equivalent to flushing it down the toilet. There are no additional lingering odors other than what was generated originally, same as with a water based toilet.
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Covered by: US. Patent. No. 9,668,623